
Easiest Way to Quit Smoking

Learning how to smoke is very easy. All you have to do is get yourself a good cigarette, light it, and smoke it. Learning how to quit is a different story.

Many self-confessed heavy or chain smokers admit that their resolve to quit smoking instantly flew out the window when they see a very tempting and seemingly harmless stick of cigarette and the hypnotic smoke coming from the tip of the lit cigarette. They will try to fool themselves by saying "It's just one stick." And that one stick of cigarette will lead to the second one, the third, and so on. Until they realized that they are back to being what they were before-people who are being controlled by that one small stick of cigarette.

To quit smoking, you should have the resolve first and the will to change. After that, everything will follow. They said that admitting you have a problem and deciding to solve that problem is the very first step in fighting a bad habit, or even an addiction. By doing so, you have already won half the battle.

The next step would be finding an easy way to quit smoking. There could be several solutions for your problem, but choose the one that you think will work best for you. One easy way to quit smoking is to set a clear cut goal. To achieve that goal, you should also cook up a plan that will help you achieve that goal. Here are some suggestions and tips for an easy way to quit smoking.

Do not force yourself to quit smoking overnight. This can cause mind stress. You will also feel that you are being deprived of something that you really like and enjoy, which in turn will make you want to smoke again. What you can do is to stop gradually, one stick at a time.

Inform your friends and family about your decision to quit smoking. Telling other people especially your loved ones is like posting Post-It notes everywhere. These people will serve as your reminder, will try to encourage you about your decision and will help you in times of weakness.

Find foods or objects which you can substitute for your cigarette cravings. You can eat lollipops, sweet candies, nuts and seeds, mints, vegetable sticks, or even munch on toothpicks and coffee stirrers.

Exercise regularly. This will keep your body and mind healthy and clear. Exercising can also divert your cigarette cravings.

Make yourself busy. Instead of lighting a cigarette, why not play sports, attend cooking classes, do yoga, or go to ballet lessons. It is up to you. But whatever you choose and whatever you do, it all boils down to one thing-these activities keep you away from smoking.

Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, no matter how small it is. Give yourself a reward so that you will always have something to look forward to and to expect whenever you say "No" to smoking.

It is true that quitting smoking is not always an easy task-it might even be daunting sometimes. But because of your strong will and firm decision to quit, anything can be an easy way to quit smoking.


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