
How to Boost Your Metabolism and Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

Boosting ones metabolism is something many people try to achieve everyday. Having a high metabolic rate increases the amount of calories, or energy, the body burns on a daily basis. Without optimal metabolism the body will store excess calories as fat for future use. The problem for many people is they don’t ever use these excess calories and as a result struggle with weight issues.

The Acai berry has been taking the world by storm. This little purple berry that is found in the heart of the Amazon rain forest is one of the most powerful antioxidants found today. The Acai berry also contains appetite suppressant properties which can help you lose weight. It is important that you do plenty of research on the Acai berry first so that you can be sure you are getting pure Acai berry and not just a little bit of Acai extract.

Exercise more. When you walk, run, or lift weights, you increase the energy required of your body, which raises your metabolism. Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking daily for 30 minutes or more, is an excellent way to burn calories. Work out with weights, you can boost metabolism up to 10% after a training program. During weight training, muscle tissue is stressed; afterward, its repaired which raises metabolis.

Protein takes a lot of energy (calories) to digest and process. It's considered to be the "hottest burning" food since it increases the metabolism much more than carbohydrates and fats. In fact, lean protein -- such as grilled skinless chicken breast -- may be the best fat-burning food of them all.

Increase the amount of protein in your diet. It's shocking how many women don't get enough protein. Protein helps stabilize the secretion of insulin into your blood stream, a process that can affect metabolism.

You can also burn more calories if you have snacks throughout your day that are rich in protein, such as eggs, cottage cheese, lean meats, or other types of cheese. Your metabolism may jump up twice as high after eating two to three hundred calories of protein as it would after eating the same amount of carbohydrate calories.

Real aerobic exercises such as jogging, running, walking and rowing can lead to a massive increasement in your metabolism. Losing body fat is al about creating a calorie deficit. This can happen to nutrition but or trough exercising. In order to lose fat permanent both methods should be used. It is always better to eat more and exercise more rather than starving yourself. Most people think that low intensity workouts are the best way to lose fat but this is simply not true. If we would burn a lot of calories trough low intensity workouts then everybody should lose fat trough sleeping. Real fat loss happens when you do high intensity workouts such as sprinting and spinning. High intensity workouts do not only burn more calories but the body uses carbs as the primary fuel source of energy.

Increasing fiber intake is only one of the ways good nutrition can boost your metabolism. Eating foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, is an excellent way to speed up your metabolism. Research has shown that fish oils can increase a person's metabolism by up to an amazing 400 calories a day.

Use your imagination to see yourself lean, fit, and super-healthy. Take a few moments every day to see yourself swimming, biking, hiking - see yourself moving - in your imagination. We become what we think about, and if you see yourself healthy, you will be. Your subconscious mind will deliver what you visualize, because it "thinks" in images.

Lastly, high intensity cardio workouts are great because they create what is known as an "oxygen debt", which in turn stimulates your metabolism directly following the completion of the exercise. Also, cardiovascular exercises are great because they require your body to process waste to recover after an activity, which stimulates the metabolism.


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