
Why Wait Until it is Too Late!

Recent studies have shown that people wait until they hear some bad news about their health to try and change their lifestyle. I guess this is what you might refer to as the shock factor. We wait until our doctor says "you're obese" and it is affecting your heart to decide that we need to exercise and change our eating habits! Smokers wait until their doctor tells them that they might have lung cancer then they decide they better stop smoking. I see one major problem with this way of thinking. We are creatures of habit and once we have grown accustomed to a bad habit it is harder to stop that habit. One perfect example of this was the time I saw a gentleman who got throat cancer because of his smoking. This man had to have a hole cut in his throat so he could breathe and even though his smoking caused this he would still lite up a cigarette and smoke it through that hole.

Why is it that we wait until it is too late before we decide to change our lifestyle? I was just reading an email from a doctor today. He said in this email that bad news usually causes that change in lifestyle. We need to decide to live healthy now for our future health. I don't know about you but I do not want to wait until I am in my 70's and taking multiple medications to realize I should have done something differently when I was younger. I want to make sure that I am with those that I care about as long as possible.

Let me ask you another question, Do you wait until your car engine seizes up on you to realize you should have checked the oil sooner? For you to fix your engine after the fact would cost you several thousand dollars. The majority of people do what you would call preventative maintenance on their car. You know the oil changes you do every 3,000 miles and even this has a cost, but what price can you put on a healthy engine. We do this preventative maintenance to keep our car running as long as possible. Why do we think more of our car than we do of our own body? You can always buy a new car if you make a mistake. You will never get another body though if you make a mistake.

I know that I cannot stop everything from happening to me. I do understand though that may actions today can prevent some things from happening to me in the future. I do three things to help keep my future looking healthy.

1) I try to eat right
2) I exercise for 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week
3) I take a liquid multi-vitamin every day

I believe that taking a multi-vitamin is the best thing you can do for your health. I also believe that a liquid vitamin is better than pills because not only does it work immediately but in liquid form you are getting all of the vitamins and nutrients. Studies have shown that when you take pills they do not dissolve completely into your system before they leave your system. I personally use Vemma which was rated #1 Super Juice by Men's Journal in 2008. You need to decide to do something today that will better your health in the future. Don't wait until you're backed into a corner to decide to try and make needed changes. You should go right now to www.healthnutty.com where I have given you all the information you need at your finger tips to make the best decision for your health! Act now and you can get 25% off your first case of verve (the only healthy energy drink). I drink one can a day and get all the vitamins and nutrients my body needs. This ultimately is the best decision I have made for my present and future health!


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